Friday, April 18, 2008

Christian Grants

Christian Grants
By []Chad Bin Kimball

Are you looking for Christian grants but fear that you will have a hard time having your Christian grants proposal accepted in a secular society? Don't worry, there are ways to get the money your church, or Christian school needs. Many government grants accept faith based competition for funds allocated to serving the poor and at-risk populations. You can apply for federal and state money to help with the nutritional, housing, health and educational needs of your congregation and community.

A good resource for this is the Center for Faith Based and Community Initiatives. The Center was created by President Bush's Faith Based and Community Initiative in 2001, and is designed to help the federal government better collaborate with grassroots and nonprofit groups to reinforce and support the work they do. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) sponsors a web page that features a compilation of HHS funding opportunities listed by topic and program office, with guidance on how organizations should apply.

But what if you are looking for money to sponsor specific religious goals (like evangelism, missions, pastor education, church building funds, bible translation, etc.)? In that case, your best bet for receiving a Christian grants is to go to private philanthropic organizations and foundations.

One of the biggest and best resources out there for Christian grants is the Lilly Endowment Inc.
Lilly Endowment Inc. is an Indianapolis based, private philanthropic foundation created in 1937 by three members of the Lilly family - J.K. Lilly Sr. and sons J.K. Jr. and Eli - through gifts of stock in their pharmaceutical business, Eli Lilly and Company.

The endowment gives Christian grants for efforts:

-to deepen and enrich the religious lives of American Christians, primarily though strengthening their churches;

-to support the recruitment and education of a new generation of talented ministers and other religious leaders;

-to encourage theological reflection and religious practices that cover the wisdom of our Christian tradition for our contemporary situation;

-to support scholars and educators who seek to help the American people better understand contemporary religion and the role it plays in our public and personal lives;

-and to strengthen the contributions that religious ideas, practices, values, and institutions make to the common good of our society.

Just a few examples of what the Lilly Endowment has funded are; worship training and mentoring at Christian colleges, Christian ethics studies and publications, and the national clergy renewal program.

The national clergy renewal program is a very unique Christian grants program indeed. In this program the Endowment provides as many as 120 grants of up to $45,000 each, directly to Christian congregations for the support of a renewal program for their pastor. A master of divinity degree is the minimum educational requirement to apply for this grant. Deadlines for proposals are generally in May, with announcements of recipients made in October.

In the words of the Endowment " renewal periods are not vacations but times for intentional exploration and reflection, for drinking again from God's life giving waters and for regaining the enthusiasm and creativity for ministry. .. When well-prepared, thoughtful, imaginative, able and caring pastors lead congregations, these communities of faith tend to thrive."

Search Christian Grants Here-

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